


  • Creative Direction
  • Design
  • Animation
  • Print

Project Overview

The 'Don't Believe Us' campaign was created to build brand recognition for a company making its first dive into the European market. Owned by The Coca Cola Company, Honest wanted to shift away from the iconic Coca Cola brand and into the health and wellbeing sphere. Deliverables of the campaign were an extensive campaign toolkit that included print, out-of-home, press, animation, social assets and a 72 page toolkit used in 13 countries.

Honest needed to establish their brand in the European market while differentiating themselves from their parent company, Coca-Cola. The challenge was to create a campaign that would resonate with health-conscious consumers while maintaining authenticity.

Project Gallery

Product photography with playful illustrations highlighting the organic ingredients and brand personality

Product photography with playful illustrations highlighting the organic ingredients and brand personality

Out-of-home campaign application showcasing the 'Don't Believe Us' messaging

Out-of-home campaign application showcasing the 'Don't Believe Us' messaging

Project image 3
Print materials from the comprehensive campaign toolkit distributed across 13 countries

Print materials from the comprehensive campaign toolkit distributed across 13 countries

Campaign Videos

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